Interior Design Students Gain Hands-On Experience During Field Visit to the Official School of Jbeil

As part of the IDP 391 – Design Project IV course, our Interior Design students embarked on an insightful field visit to the Official School of Jbeil, the subject of their ongoing renovation and innovation project. Guided by their instructor, students had the opportunity to analyze the site firsthand, exploring the architectural elements and identifying key aspects that will shape their design interventions. The project challenges them to introduce a fresh architectural spirit while respecting and preserving the existing structure, striking a balance between tradition and contemporary innovation. This visit was a highly engaging experience for our students, which allowed them to bridge the gap between theoretical learning and real-world application, inspiring them to develop thoughtful and practical design strategies. Throughout the semester, students will develop creative and functional proposals for the school, addressing its needs while maintaining its architectural integrity. Their final designs will be submitted to the school for consideration, showcasing the real-world impact of their academic work and touching upon the mission of our university—to produce civically active and market-ready graduates!

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