New Provost Appointed

Dr Makhlouf earned his Bachelor of Engineering from American University of Beirut then went to the US where he earned an MS and a PhD in Civil Engineering from Carnegie Institute of Technology. He taught engineering subjects in the USA for two years and twenty years at AUB where he was also Associate Dean of Engineering and Off Campus Program Director.

Dr Makhlouf then moved to Bahrain University where he was appointed Chair then Dean of the School of Engineering before he was Vice President of Administration and Finance. He was later appointed Advisor to the President for Technical Affairs.

He is the author of eight publications in soil dynamics and reinforced concrete and has earned many awards including the Lifetime Achievement Award by the American Society of Civil Engineers, Lebanese chapter and an Outstanding Academic Contribution by American University of Beirut.

Dr Makhlouf brings to AUT a wealth of experience in both academic and administrative matters.

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